Magic Vine Jr.

A Magical, Educational Place for Kids!

Reflecting On How To Have A Successful School Year




In the last school year, what worked at different levels and what didn’t?  What methods continue to be effective  each year?  It is important that we take time to reflect upon things that bring balance and enjoyment for ourselves and others.  I have found that positive words spoken regularly, are as advantageous for good health, as eating the right foods for your body type.  Both practices help in keeping your mind and body strong and feeling well.

  Having a positive attitude can also help in relationships.  Relationships sometimes suffer or even fail because of the way words and some actions are used, spoken, and misunderstood. I’ve found in teaching that being patient, understanding, and teachable, always work when developing new relationships with students.  Also, practice speaking words of wisdom that uplift and encourage yourself and others!

  I have a collection of resources that I have successfully used in my many years as an educator. I would like to share two resources of positive ways to communicate with students, and people in general.  In the classroom, I always try to think of creative ways to teach, using words that reinforce an atmosphere of joy and learning! “Strategies For Effective Teaching”, from the Louisiana Department Of Education, list the following resources for teachers to use: