Magic Vine Jr.

A Magical, Educational Place for Kids!

Bounce A Ball – #2


Bounce A Ball

Bounce A Ball – #2

Pathway Learning: “Bounce A Ball” is a song and lessons of music and movement that reinforces eye-hand coordination, gross motor development, following directions, ordinals, finger play, poetry, and visual perception and memory.  This lesson plan is done with varying levels of difficulty and subject matter.  The activities are open – ended and  no one is excluded.  Your PreK – 1st. Graders will love learning and playing the Bounce A ball game!

Wisdom Note: Plan at least two evaluations that are not written test.  For example; evaluate students’ products, progresses, or presentations by using rating scales, checklists, speed tests, or open-ended critiques.

Bounce A Ball 2

Parent-School Connection: Play this exercise game with the family or with a group of children in a class, or at a “Birthday Party” using balls.  It is a good way to get a good cardiovascular workout and have lots of fun! On post-it notes, write different exercises and tape 1 note on several balls; examples: Do 10 push-ups., Breath in and out 10 times holding the ball over your head., Stand on one leg and clap 20 times with one eye closed!  Put the balls in a big container and start the game.  One at a time, each person selects a ball and reads what the note says to the group.  Then everybody in the group has to do the exercise.  At the end of the game, play the “Bounce A Ball” song and play the “Bounce A Ball” game!  Then play the “Clap!” song and do the “Clap” dance! The group will be ready to rest and settle down to do something quiet.

     Teacher Tips

   A great way to foster good student behavior and achievement is to establish a healthy learning climate.  Give out awards like stickers and bookmarks that have positive and motivating words and phrases to encourage them for different behaviors, and special occasions. [But do not over do the giving of these awards because it will lose its effectiveness.]  This gives the children messages of hope to be proud of their achievements.  They can stick them on their notebooks or jackets, put them in a favorite book, or stick them on the refrigerator for everyone to see!  For new students entering the class, give out “Welcome To Our School” bookmarks or stickers, and let the class give them a big “round of applause”!       


Magic Vine Jr. Presents Clap, Vol. 1

Magic Vine Jr. Presents Clap, Vol. 2

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Magic Vine Jr. Presents Clap, Vol. 1

Magic Vine Jr. Presents Clap, Vol. 2