Magic Vine Jr.

A Magical, Educational Place for Kids!

Filled With Encouragement!



I was encouraged and inspired by the way the athletes respected and embraced each other during the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Veterans and those new to the Olympic competitions competed together for Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals. They represented their  countries with great pride and joy. It was gratifying to see the camaraderie; the exhibited feelings of closeness and friendship between the different participants. Without malice or hesitation, in the individual and team competitions, they supported each other in their attempts to move ahead in qualifying, and winning in the finals. These types of displays of pride, discipline, and sportsmanship are very much needed for children to see and learn how to emulate.

Rio de Janeiro - Ginasta Simone Biles, dos Estados Unidos, termina com medalha de bronze a prova final da trave (Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil)
Rio de Janeiro – Ginasta Simone Biles, dos Estados Unidos, termina com medalha de bronze a prova final da trave (Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil)

Encouragement is a powerful vehicle to use to build people up in every way. It can drive their confidence, and inspire them to achieve in certain ways that they may have doubted they ever could achieve. Everyone needs encouragement in their lives. Confidence and negativity do not go together. That is why it is so important to surround children with an atmosphere of affirmation and encouragement. Always positively assert that they can learn, and to do their best work. This type of atmosphere of encouragement works well with children of all ages, and can help to really make a  difference in classroom management.

Finally, I say again, it was especially exciting and gratifying how the USA Olympic athletes interacted with each other and many of the members from other countries. It was amazing to see what can happen when people show compassion, and  give respect to each other with integrity  and encouragement. Overall, it was a fantastic contest of preparation, strength, and determination.
